Barbosa, Most Reverend Cristiano
Secretary for Evangelization and Discipleship
Regional Bishop – Central
Connors, Very Reverend Robert
Director, Office for Senior Priests
Regional Episcopal Vicar - South
Donilon, Mr. Terrence
Secretary for Communications and Public Affairs
Hehir, Monsignor J. Bryan
Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Services
Hennessey, Most Reverend Robert
Regional Bishop – Merrimack
Joy, Very Reverend William P.
Assistant Vicar for Administration
Vicar for Clergy
Kiely, Very Reverend Brian
Rector and President, Pope Saint John XXIII National Seminary
Luthin, Ms. Marianne
Director Project Rachel
McHugh, Very Reverend Brian
Regional Episcopal Vicar - North
McLaughlin, Ms. Eileen
Superintendent of Catholic Schools
Medeiros, Very Reverend Antonio
Rector, Redemptoris Mater Seminary
Mooney, Mr. Gavan
Secretary for Institutional Advancement/Chief Philanthropy Officer
O’Connell, Most Reverend Mark
Vicar General and Moderator of the Curia
O’Connor, Mr. Francis
General Counsel
Oliver, Monsignor Robert
Judicial Vicar
Reed, Most Reverend Robert
Secretary for Catholic Media
Regional Bishop - West
Salocks, Monsignor Stephen
Rector, Saint John Seminary
Santos, Sr. Germana
Delegate for Consecrated Life
Soper, Reverend Paul
Secretary for Ministerial Personnel
Straub, Mr. John
Last updated January 14, 2025