Dear Friends in Christ,
The document you are about to read is a comprehensive summary of the financial condition of the Archdiocese of Boston. It presents a look at all of the entities that most would consider to comprise the Archdiocese, with a particular focus on the principal operating entity, the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Boston, a Corporation Sole. Through full disclosure, a clear description of our organizational structure and the recognition of the impact of our difficult recent history, we hope to provide the faithful as complete an understanding as possible of our financial status.
The numbers on these pages are meaningful only when put within the context of ministry. As Catholics, we are charged with the mission of spreading the Gospel in word and in deed. That mission is served when a priest says Mass and when a child attends religious education class. It is also served when a soup kitchen feeds someone in need or a pastoral minister visits a hospital patient. The numbers within this report do not define who we are as Church, but they do provide a picture of the resources available to carry out our mission. And they tell us we have a great deal of work to do.
When we look at the decrease in revenue over previous years, we see clearly that our programs and ministries are at risk. In addition to increasing our fundraising, we must also determine how to function in an environment that is very different from that of a generation ago. The distribution of our parishioners is significantly different than twenty-five or fifty years ago, as is the number attending Mass every Sunday. Many of our schools are fully enrolled, but many others have far fewer students than past years. And while I am encouraged by the recent achievements of our vocation office, the number of young men and women entering formation for priesthood and religious life is far below the needs of our Archdiocese.
It is also clear that the revenue numbers reflect the painful experience of our recent past, the anger over the sexual abuse crisis and the closing of parishes. These numbers are one response of a wounded community, an expression of deep hurt and a measure of our need to remain focused on the long process of healing that lies ahead.
While our revenue is inadequate to fund our ministries, cultural and demographic trends show that those ministries have never been more needed. Sacramental activity at our parishes clearly indicates the need for faith formation from childhood through school years, particularly Campus Ministry for our college and university students, and throughout adult life. We need seminaries to effectively train our clergy and vocation programs to inspire new generations. We need Catholic schools to provide intellectual, spiritual and moral training for our future leaders within the Church and society at large.
A great deal has changed in the past few years, but what hasn't changed is who we are as Catholics and our ability to love and serve God and one another. We are one in the Body of Christ, and it is the love of Christ that will lead us forward. We can never forget our failings. Their effects will be with us throughout our lives. And we must strengthen our commitment to vigilance. But we cannot allow those failings to prevent us from continuing to carry out the mission Christ has entrusted to His Church.
Together--clergy, religious and laity--we will find the way forward. Our shared energy will strengthen the Catholic community. Committed to building strong and vibrant parishes, we will hand on to our children the legacy of a rich and full faith life. With compassion we will serve those in need. Guided by the teachings of Jesus, we will strive to do His will, to build the kingdom of God here on earth.
Devotedly yours in Christ,
+Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap
Archbishop of Boston