Inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’, the Archdiocese of Boston Social Justice Ministry and the Boston Catholic Climate Movement organized a webinar on Oct 26, 2024 titled Hope for Our Common Home: Catholics Care for Creation.
Boston Catholic Climate Movement: Boston Chapter of the Laudato Si’ Movement; biweekly newsletter with articles, events and advocacy opportunities for MA and U.S. Sign up: send an email to: [email protected] (Website is under construction)
Laudato Si’ Movement: Global organization; sponsors Laudato Si’ Circles and Laudato Si’ Animator program. Provides monthly meetings in North America for Advocacy and EcoConversion.
Laudato Si’ Action Platform: Vatican based program to engage individuals, families, parishes, dioceses, religious orders, schools… everyone in a 7 year program to move toward more sustainability
Catholic Climate Covenant: Great U.S. based resources and newsletter for Creation Care Teams in parishes; monthly homily helps integrating Sunday readings with Laudato Si’
God’s Plan(et): U.S. website for the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. Maryknoll Affiliates Laudato Si Action Platform Resources | God's Planet
The Letter: Free video about 5 people who receive a letter from Pope Francis inviting them to the Vatican. Each has been impacted by climate change in some way. A school girl, a team of scientists, a young man from Africa, and an Indigenous chief from the Amazon share their stories.