The Archdiocese of Boston announced today the sale of the former St. Frances X. Cabrini property in Scituate, MA to St. Mary & St. George Coptic Orthodox Church. The transaction includes the 10,560 square foot Church building, 10,438 square foot hall and 16.26 acres of land which is comprised of uplands and wetlands. The sale price was $2,450,000. “While always challenging to part with a church property, St. Mary & St. George Coptic Orthodox Church will be wonderful and active members of the community “ said Chancellor John E. Straub. “We wish them well in their new church home.” Coptic Church The Coptic Orthodox Church is one of the Oriental Orthodox Churches, which has been carrying on a witness to Christ almost 2000 years. Founded in Egypt, with faithful in diaspora around the world, the Coptic Orthodox Church traces its foundation to St. Mark the Apostle, circa 42 AD. Faithful despite immense persecutions today, including deaths of many members and destruction of many churches, Pope Francis has expressed solidarity in a 2017 visit to Egypt saying, “How many martyrs in this land, from the first centuries of Christianity have lived their faith heroically…” In the Metro Boston Area, ecumenical relationships have grown very strong between the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Boston and the area parishes of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of New York & New England. Wide commonalities exist in their faith, worship, practice, and witness. Both Churches are striving for restoration of the full communion in obedience to Jesus will that all his followers “be one” (Jn. 17:21).