Lord God, Father of all life, we praise and honor you. We thank you for the gift of life that in your great love you have graciously bestowed on us.
Gather the Church of Boston to yourself so that we might be transformed by Your Light.
Strengthen us that we may be willing always to speak and to act on behalf of the sacredness of all life. Guide and inspire us by the Holy Spirit with wisdom, mercy, love and patient endurance.
United with Mary our Mother, all the angels and saints, we ask you to bring about conversion in all whose acts and policies lead to the destruction of life.
We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
After meeting with your pastor and gaining his support for a parish Pro-Life/Respect Life Committee, an excellent starting point is the Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life published by the National Conference of Catholic Bishops. http://www.usccb.org/prolife/pastoralplan.shtml This document provides the foundation, goals and objectives for parish pro-life efforts. The bishops write:
We issue this Pastoral Plan for Pro-Life Activities: A Campaign in Support of Life to put forth “ a precise and vigorous reaffirmation of the value of human life and its inviolability, and at the same time a pressing appeal addressed to each and every person, in the name of God: respect, protect, love and serve life, every human life” (The Gospel of Life, n. 5)
The plan focuses a parish’s pro-life activities into four specific areas: Public Information and Education, Pastoral Care, Public Policy, and Prayer and Worship. Following are some suggested activities for each area with specific reference to the Archdiocese of Boston:
I. Public Information Education
II. Pastoral Care
III. Public Policy
IV. Prayer and Intercession
A Prayer for Life
Lord God, Father of all life, we praise and honor you. We thank you for the gift of life that in your great love you have graciously bestowed on us.
Gather the Church of Boston to yourself so that we might be transformed by Your Light.
Strengthen us that we may be willing always to speak and to act on behalf of the sacredness of all life. Guide and inspire us by the Holy Spirit with wisdom, mercy, love and patient endurance.
United with Mary our Mother, all the angels and saints, we ask you to bring about conversion in all whose acts and policies lead to the destruction of life.
We pray this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
The suggestions listed above should not in any way limit your own creativity or your adjustments for individual parish circumstances. Please keep us informed of your activities in order that we might be a source of encouragement for each other.
Pro-Life Office - Archdiocese of Boston
5 Wilson St.
Natick, MA 01760
508-651-1900 or [email protected]
Helping Mothers Choose Life…
Archdiocese of Boston Parish Baby Shower Program To support the clients of Pregnancy Help
Pregnancy Help is an outreach ministry of the Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. Founded in 1973, Pregnancy Help provides compassionate services to women and families to help make possible a choice for life. To offer our clients practical assistance in their time of need, Pregnancy Help relies on the ongoing support of the people of the Archdiocese of Boston and their generous donations made possible through the Archdiocesan Parish Baby Shower Program.
(Parish Name) will be sponsoring a Baby Shower on (date) to benefit Pregnancy Help, the crisis pregnancy center of the Pro-Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. Your support enables mothers to make life-affirming decisions for their unborn children. Please bring new basic baby layette items to (location). Monetary donations to Pregnancy Help or the Fund for the Unborn are also gratefully accepted.
Items from the Parish Baby Shower will support the clients of Pregnancy Help, the crisis pregnancy center of the Archdiocese of Boston
A Spiritual Adoption Program is a program to promote pledges to pray daily for nine months for an unborn child in danger of abortion and his or her mother. The Spiritual Adoption Program in the Archdiocese of Boston prays through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas and of unborn children, to change minds and hearts to build a culture of life. The Spiritual Adoption Program also includes education about the development of the unborn child, and pastoral outreach to mothers and babies through parish “baby showers” at the conclusion of the nine months. Materials are available in English and Spanish at the Pro Life Office [email protected] or telephone (508) 651-1900.
E-mail us your Name and Parish at [email protected]
Please provide a brief description of a pro-life event or activity held in your parish. If you can make available flyers, bulletin notices or other materials to share with other parishes, please attach them as a separate file or mail to the Pro-Life Office, 5 Wilson Street, Natick, MA 01760. Thank you for helping to share the Gospel of Life!
Pregnancy Help is a ministry sponsored by the Pro Life Office of the Archdiocese of Boston. Trained and caring nurses and trilingual caseworkers are available to assist any woman experiencing unexpected difficulties that arise with a pregnancy. Pregnancy Help provides ongoing personalized support including pregnancy testing, limited ultrasound, referrals, and classes on pregnancy and baby care, parenting and adoption information, and material assistance. All services are free and confidential
Pregnancy Help Digital Support
English Spanish Portuguese English/Spanish English/ Portuguese
Pregnancy Help Bulletin Announcement
Pregnancy Help Card
Pregnancy Help Poster
Pregnancy Help Brochure
61 South Avenue, Natick, MA 01760
77 Warren Street, Suite 430, Brighton, MA 02135
824 Oak Street, Suite 210, Brockton, MA 02301